My Heart Is Beating

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My heart is beating
Keeps on repeating
I am waiting for you

My heart is beating
Keeps on repeating
I am waiting for you
My love encloses of lot of roses
and when shall be then
Our next meeting
Coz love you know that time is fleeting
Time is fleeting, time is fleeting

My heart is beating
Keeps on repeating
I am waiting for you
My love encloses of lot of roses
and when shall be then
Our next meeting
Coz love you know that time is fleeting
Time is fleeting, time is fleeting

Oh! when I look at you
The blue of heaven seems to be deeper blue
and I can sway that
God himself seems to be looking through
Zu zu zu zu ru zu
I’ll never apart from you
and when shall be then
Our next meeting
Coz love you know that time is fleeting
Time is fleeting, time is fleeting

Spring is the season
That drops the reason of lovers
Who are truly true
Young birds are mating
While I am waiting
Waiting for you
Darling you haunt me
Say do you want me?
and if you do so, we know we meeting
Coz love you know that time is fleeting
Time is fleeting, time is fleeting

My heart is beating
Keeps on repeating
I am waiting for you
My love encloses of lot of roses
and when shall be then
Our next meeting
Coz love you know that time is fleeting
Time is fleeting, time is fleeting

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  • Song Name – My Heart Is Beating
  • Singer – Preeti Sagar
  • Lyrics – Harindranath Chattopadhyay
  • Music – Rajesh Roshan
  • Movie – Julie (1975)
  • Song Label – Universal Music India
  • Release Date – 1975



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