The Go Getter

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The go-getter
I’ll be the go-getter
Yes I am, I will be the go-getter
That’s my plan, the go-getter

Hi-fi boom box
Pretty girl in bobby socks
After party in a hotel room
Pretty soon there will be no moon

Stumble home in the pourin’ rain
Let the water ease my worried brain
Some days I just can’t get along
I need a head to lean my shoulders on

Palm trees, the flat broke disease
And L.A. has got me on my knees
I am the bluest of blues
Every day, a different, different way to lose

The go-getter
The go-getter
The go-getter

I got a table at the Rainbow Room
I told my wife I would be home soon
Big ships are approaching the docks
I got my hi-fi boom box

Mashed potatoes in cellophane
I see my life goin’ down the drain
Hold me baby and don’t let go
Pretty girls help to soften the blow

Palm trees, the flat broke disease
And L.A. has got me on my knees
I am the bluest of blues
Every day, a different way to lose

The go-getter, the go-getter
The go-getter, I’ll be the go-getter
That’s my plan, that’s who I am
The go-getter, the go-getter

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  • Song Name – The Go Getter
  • Artist – The Black Keys
  • Produced by – Dan Auerbach, Patrick Carney & Mark Neill
  • Album – Brothers
  • Song Label – Nonesuch
  • Release Date – 18 May, 2010



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