Wake me when it’s over

[vc_video link=”https://youtu.be/qKWlEwkFZUY”]

Maybe I’ve been in my head too much
Wish that I could shut it off
Lately I’ve been feeling out of touch
I’m feeling just as lost

The monsters underneath my bed
Don’t even know the half of it

I leave my nightlight on when I’m laying in the dark
And I’m hanging there, I’m used to you, you used to be my star
I let my teardrops fall, while the world’s falling apart
I keep dancing by myself, with the nightlight on

Wake me when it’s over
Now that I’m living without you
So much I’m missing about you
Wake me when it’s over
Now that I’m living without you
So much I’m missing about you

I know that I’m acting so stupid
My heart is bigger than my head
Not a lot of ways of getting through this
I’m overthinking what you said

The monsters underneath my bed
Don’t even know the half of it

I leave my nightlight on when I’m laying in the dark
And I’m hanging there, I’m used to you, you used to be my star
I let my teardrops fall, while the world’s falling apart
I keep dancing by myself, with the nightlight on

Wake me when it’s over
Now that I’m living without you
So much I’m missing about you
Wake me when it’s over
Now that I’m living without you
So much I’m missing about you

The monsters underneath my bed

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  • Song Name – Wake me when it’s over
  • Artist – Faouzia
  • Produced by – Faouzia
  • Release Date – 2 April, 2020



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